The Bible’s Female Assassin

Topic: Jael: A warrior woman, the Bible’s female Assassin 

Texts: Judges 4: 1 to 24, Esther 4:16

Memory Verse: Esther 4:16

Go and gather together all the Jews of Shushan and fast for me; do not eat or drink for three days, night or day; and I and my maids will do the same; and then, though it is strictly forbidden, I will go in to see the king; and if I perish, I perish.”

Introduction: The woman we are studying today has nothing to do with being a warrior yet did more than a soldier. When we talk about courage and victory, her name won’t be missing. Jael was the wife of Heber, one of the men on the battlefield of Deborah and Barak. She was about her normal business as a housewife when the enemy, the general of the Jabin’s army came for solace in her tent. She, in line with what Deborah had prophesied, killed the enemy (sisera) and made Israel victorious. Her story can encourage us to live our lives to the fullest and in God’s will. 

Study guide: 

  1. It was a challenging time for the People of Israel who had been under the oppression of the king of Jabin for 20 years because of their sins. Deborah led people back to God and now, they were confident that the battle was of the Lord’s. 
  2. Who was Jael?  Judges 4:17 A nomadic woman, wife of Heber, A Kenite. Her husband was a relative of Moses’ Father in law, She wasn’t an isrealite just like Rahab.
  3. Was she in God’s plan despite her unpopular state? Yes. Judges 4:9, There was a prophecy gone before that a woman would kill sisera.
  4. What are the attributes of Jael? Verses 18-21 (Knowledgeable, Courageous and wise). She could recognise the enemy like Rahab did, she took a risk of taking a man in, she gave milk (milk can be sedative) instead of water (hospitality) and of course she was bold enough to take a step by the actual killing.  She broke the rules. She understood that was an opportunity. Like Esther. Esther 4:16.
  5. Unlike Eve, she recognises the enemy and won’t give it a chance. Judges 4: 22, Gen 3: 1-6.
  6. From that day onwards, Israel became stronger and stronger because of this wise woman.  Verses 23 and 24 of Judges 4.

What are the implications of this study 

  1. God can use anyone He chooses no matter who or whom.
  1. Sometimes,  God does not play by the rules. As long as we are led by God’s Spirit, rules matter not. God’s wisdom is essential. Jesus touched the leper, The midwives had to betray pharaoh, Esther had to go into the King’s presence, Jesus healed on the sabbath.
  2. We should learn to recognise opportunity and act without delay. Step out of your comfort zone and act. Learn from Esther in the memory Verse
  3. God has equipped us for the work he designed us for. His yoke is easy and his burden is light. You are equipped.  Jael had the tools, her everyday tool for making tents. 
  1. The servant girl lent her voice to heal Naman 
  2. David the shepherd boy used his regular stone and sling to kill Goliath.
  3. Aaron’s voice was needed for moses and the israelites.
  4. Moses’ rod did wonders.
  5. The young man with 2 loaves of bread and 5 fishes feeding 5,000. Look no further, you are equipped. 

Conclusion: God uses foolish things so He does not need your credentials to execute His great plans. We should be Knowledgeable, Courageous and be out for Wisdom to be at the center of God’s will.